Guardian temperature monitoring in a lab

What is Real-Time Laboratory Data Monitoring?

Real-time data monitoring is the central component of any successful laboratory quality control strategy or environmental monitoring system. It can also be key for ensuring compliance with statutory laboratory regulations. The ability to see and share data as it accrues facilitates advances in patient safety, research quality, and operational efficiency.

A real-time data monitoring system comprises a series of sensors and data loggers that are networked to a central database. The sensors gather data from laboratory devices, such as refrigerators or autoclaves, and this data is stored centrally and analyzed in real-time. If operating conditions move out of specification, the managing software automatically generates threshold alarms, in addition to status and management reports.

Data can be stored on-site using a standard server or uploaded to the cloud; the latter option enables system access to any authorized user at any time. The system can be configured for multiple users with varying levels of access control and dedicated dashboards.

At Isensix, our real-time data monitoring systems adjust to meet requirements from the simplest to the most complex. They are easily adaptable to changing needs; scalable without difficulty when new devices need to be networked, at minimal cost; and foundational for future growth.

Your choice of wireless or hard-wired sensors, combined with ancillary hardware, allows laboratory equipment to be interconnected to a centralized server or to cloud solutions. And our top-quality management and control software offers a user-friendly interface, plus a keypad to address issues on the spot.

Ultimately, real-time data monitoring makes the process of compliance, quality control, and laboratory device management as quick and simple as possible, while improving data collection and integrity, freeing up staff time, and enhancing productivity. Real-time monitoring systems provide flexibility, power, and performance with accuracy and traceability—contact us today to reap these benefits for your operation.