Top view of a laboratory workspace with microscope, laptop, and laboratory tools.

Monitoring Systems You Can Update Yourself

High value assets in laboratories need to be monitored closely. Diagnostic laboratories, blood banks, hospitals, and others are looking to increase automation of their temperature and environmental monitoring of these high-value assets. Some facilities have monitoring systems that are heavily reliant on the system provider to make any changes, while others are still conducting manual monitoring with logbooks.

Isensix’s Guardian system can securely automate the monitoring of high value assets, saving laboratories time and money in the process. The Guardian system is easily self-managed with Isensix support only phone call away if needed.

If you are still manually monitoring your laboratory assets, the Guardian system can help you save both time and money by switching to automated monitoring. Automated monitoring helps increase efficiency by saving the technician’s time from checking equipment. Additionally, regulatory audit reports can also be generated with a simple click. By having a proactive system rather than a reactive system in place, you reduce the potential loss of assets.

Other benefits include:

  • Easy to monitor the entire system
    • Many facilities require personnel to review/verify system is working every 12-24 hours
  • Easy to customize interface, which allows you to:
    • Add/remove users
    • Add/remove sensors
    • Set/change measured ranges
    • Set/change alert times and sounds

If your current temperature and environmental monitoring systems are not performing as you want them to or if you are tired of manually filling out logbooks, contact us today. We can easily scale, adapt and meet the needs of any facility environment.