Guardian in action

Exploring Isensix Calibration Tools

In last month’s blog, we introduced you to Isensix team member Matt Downes, who shared his passion for efficiency and process improvement. Matt mentioned field testing an idea he had for a live calibration procedure, and we thought in this blog, we would take a deeper dive into exploration of Isensix’s calibration tools.

Periodic calibration is essential to ensure the most reliable and accurate results of an Isensix wireless temperature monitoring system. Especially in critical applications, we recognize that precise readings from sensors are crucially important. Our Field Service Technicians annually conduct these calibration procedures for each customer to maintain our systems’ performance and precision.

One such former technician, Leighton Solomon (pictured), who is now a Field Operations Software Developer, recently advanced our calibration tools through his creation of a “Visualizer.” This program tracks progress and flags errors for immediate resolution. By ‘visualizing’ data from multiple servers simultaneously, each customer’s annual calibration can be monitored, validated, and summarized. The Isensix Customer Service department uses the “Visualizer” as well, running useful customer reports with the clear and accurate data the tool produces.

Additionally, Leighton maintains a repository of over a dozen web-based scripts that are dedicated to Isensix calibrations. These scripts have added automation and new features, helped prevent mistakes, and improved efficiency of our calibration process. For instance, the Field Operations team was able to complete a formerly five-day calibration in only three days because of the boost in speed and accuracy that the scripts provide. Isensix Field Technicians also utilize tools for job tracking and mapping, which allow them to better manage our customers and track their locations.

Although developing, maintaining, and updating these calibration tools has required a significant investment of time and resources, the results have not only helped the team at Isensix, but have facilitated better service for our valued customers. With new projects already in the works and many additional ideas primed for implementation, “the sky is the limit moving forward,” says Matt.

At Isensix, we are delighted to care for our customers with on-site calibrations as part of our annual service plans, and we’d love to share more about our product and our support. Get in touch with us today!